2014 is here and I have a good feeling about it. Upon reflection, 2013 was a really great year. I passed my first year of university, had a great 20th birthday with my friends, moved into my own flat and most importantly, I have laughed uncontrollably a hell of a lot. However, 2013 ended on a extremely sombre tone. Very late on Christmas Day, my beautiful cat Oscar suffered a very sudden illness and was rushed to the vet by my Dad. I arrived shortly afterwards but unfortunately there was nothing that could be done to save little Oscar. We had to say goodbye to him and it was very upsetting. I miss him very much every day but there's a comfort in knowing he's no longer suffering.
My beautiful boy. |
Despite that, I don't want that to taint the happiness that the majority of 2013 was filled with. So now, I want 2014 to be even happier! Really reaching for the stars, don't you think?
Without any more rambling, here are my resolutions/goals for 2014…
1. Eat healthier and exercise more.
I'll be honest with you, I'm a eater and I'm not much of a mover. This needs to change. I'm fed up of being complacent with my body; I want to be proud of my body and the hard work needed to get it there. Does that sound egotistical? I hope not. So, I will be joining a gym and cutting down carbs to one carby meal a week. I also need to start drinking more water which I hope won't be too difficult as I'll be sweating it out in the gym and will be guzzling water like it's going out of fashion.
2. Think less, do more.
I feel as though I really have to explain this one as it could give the impression that I want to be careless. I can promise you that I don't, at all. I don't even think it's possible for me to be careless. What I mean by this resolution is that I (like a lot of people) have the tendency to over think things in my life and as a result, sometimes miss out on things. So this year, I will be saying 'yes' to more things (safe things, just so you know) and just having more fun. Yay!
3. Treat myself more often.
As a student, I have to budget my money. However, I feel as though I budget so much and incidentally get worried when I have to spend money incase I run out (even though I know I won't). Therefore this year, I'd like to treat myself every month to a nice outfit or something like that. I won't allow myself to go crazy of course. I think it's important that I do this because I will be working hard at uni and at the gym, that I deserve a nice outfit. Also, I always get into a tizzy when getting ready for a night out because I don't have many party dresses!
4. Focus on my YouTube and blog.
I have had my YouTube channel for a while now but haven't uploaded for a few months. For Christmas, I received a voucher towards a good quality camera to film with and take pictures for my blog. I'd also like to film more 'day in the life' vlogs and DIY ideas rather than just solely beauty videos. I'm still thinking of a schedule, so I'll keep you posted!
So, there you have it! I think 4 resolutions is a good and manageable amount. Maybe I'll do updates on here every 3 months of my progress? I guess that'll be motivation for me throughout the year.
Anyway, thank you for reading this lengthly post and I'll see you in the next one!
Paris x