Saturday, 27 October 2012

Halloween Make-Up Look #1: Classic Cat!

Halloween is right around the corner and I thought I'd play around with my make-up and create a few looks. I put the pictures up on my Tumblr as well :)

This look is so easy to do; all you need is a black matte eyeshadow, liquid/gel eyeliner and black lipstick.
 (I used black eyeliner for my lips but it's probably better to use a lipstick!)

So for the eyes, I used my Sleek i Divine palette in Original. I used the black eye shadow to do a smoky eye and used a fluffy brush to blend it.

i Divine-Original
Sleek Make Up - i Divine Original Palette - image from website
I then took my liquid eyeliner; I use the Bourjois Clubbing Liner in Ultra Black, and carefully drew a line from my inner eye down the edge of my nose. This makes the eye look more cat like. If you want to, take a thin eye shadow brush and put some of the black eye shadow over it to make it more smokey and more similar to the rest of the eye. I also used this eye liner to draw on my whiskers.

Bourjois Clubbing Liner - Ultra Black

For the lips, I used Loreal's Contour-Khol eye liner in the colour 131 Jet Black. I made sure my foundation covered my lips and then I lined my top lip with the liner. To make it look more cat like, take the eyeliner and flick it from the corner of your mouth, so it looks a little like a smile. Colour in your top lip and add a few dots on your cheek by the whiskers.

For the nose, using the same eyeliner, colour in the bottom of the nose and make a liner along the top of your nostrils and draw a straight line down to connect your nose to your mouth.

And you should have something like this...

I love the classic cat look for Halloween (mainly because I'm a cat lady haha!) 

What do you think? What are you going as for Halloween this year?


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