Friday, 7 August 2015

My Go-To & Simple Summer Breakfast

I often go back and forth with my appetite for breakfast. Some mornings I wake up feeling really hungry and wanting to eat buttermilk pancakes with fruit, bacon and maple syrup, eggs benedict or eggs florentine (then my mind wanders about whether I could actually eat all three in one sitting...). Other mornings I have absolutely no appetite at all. The thought of eating anything turns my stomach enough to make me just want to drink orange squash until lunch time. Isn't it weird how my body is so indecisive? I blame it being on a gemini.

However, now that I am back home now and working part-time, eating nothing in the morning is simply not an option anymore. Some workdays I am awake at 5am for a 7am start and need something in me so I don't feel like I'm going to pass out half way through a busy shift. My Mum introduced this recipe to me as she too were in the same boat with early mornings. She has coined it 'Summer Porridge' which I think is a very fitting name.

All you will need for this recipe is:

  • 1 small tuppaware box
  • Yoghurt of your chosen type and flavour (we often go for strawberry/raspberry/vanilla Activia as they are the lowest in fat and sugar and the tastiest we have found thus far)
  • Frozen fruit of your choice
  • Porridge oats
Instructions for this breakfast could not be simpler. All you have to do is mix together the yoghurt and oats (the ones we buy come with a measuring spoon- though 1 or 2 tablespoons should suffice!) until completely coated and combined. Pop in your frozen fruit and into the fridge it goes to allow the oats to soak and the frozen fruit to defrost. 

See how easy it is? I often make 2 at a time so I have a back-up just in case Mum needs something in the morning too. As the oats absorb into the yoghurt, it becomes much more creamy and fills you up just like a bowl of ordinary hot porridge on a winters morning would! Be sure to experiment with different flavours and fruit and see what your favourite combination is! 

Thank you for reading and don't forget to share this post with anyone who you think would enjoy it too!

Have a great rest of your day!

Paris x

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