Monday, 4 January 2016

Ready for 2016...

Happy New Year, readers!

With 2015 wrapped up and put to bed, we are about to start a fresh new year and as customary, make a few new goals and resolutions. There's been less than a handful of resolutions that I have actually kept for longer than 3 months so I've switched it up and have a 'Plan of Action' instead.  I have borrowed this from my boyfriend who for the last few years has had these plans to advance his music career. I much prefer this term because I like goals and lists and most of all, ticking off those goals once achieved. Resolutions can be notoriously difficult to stick to, sometimes it just isn't possible nor pleasurable to go to the gym 4 times a week or completely cut out chocolate. I find regimental rules inadvertently set myself up for failure and I have never dealt with failure well. Therefore, my Plan of Action for 2016 is not a complete overhaul of my lifestyle, but achievable goals that when combined will make me feel better, happier and indirectly, healthier.

Before I jump into my Plan of Action, let me tell you a little bit about my 2015. When I look at the two halves of my year, they are very different. January to June was all about finishing university, working many hours a day on my assignments and sleeping for very few. I was incredibly stressed out and it showed. I lost my appetite completely and a patch of my hair (which thankfully is growing back now), my skin was breaking out because I wasn't putting in the time to have healthy and nutritious meals and replaced water with Lucozade and energy drinks. Not to mention I was incredibly emotional, having a total of 3 sobbing fits to lecturers and friends in the last few weeks of my degree. Fortunately, I was surrounded by my best friends who were always there to support me (and hand me another shot of tequila on our nights out a.k.a. therapy).

July to December was a little bit more rocky. Whilst I had finished university and graduated with a First (something I still cannot believe I managed to achieve), I felt a sudden sense of loss of my old life at university. I was no longer in my university shaped bubble that I had called home for the last 3 years. I was now seen as a graduate who needed to start being a real adult with a real salary-paid job. Feeling incredibly overwhelmed combined with dealing with the loss of my old life, my confidence took a major hit and I didn't feel good enough for the jobs I was looking at. I started to recluse and my emotions really took a toll on me and my relationships. In early November, I decided enough was enough. I went to my GP and confessed everything. I'm now on a stress and anxiety management course run by the NHS and on the waiting list to see a therapist. I've only been to 2 sessions of my course so far, but I feel so much better already. I will definitely do a post about this entire topic in the next few months because I think its important to talk about it and I've learnt a few new tips that someone could find useful.

So for 2016, this is what I would like to achieve...

1. Reach 200 YouTube subscribers.
I am currently at 35 subscribers so I do have some work to do. However, I've been brainstorming and planning video ideas so I hope with my creativity and consistency, I'll start to attract a few more viewers into my little community here.

2. Find a job in my chosen industry
It's important to me to have several things behind me to help me in the scary world of the job market. As my degree was largely creative, I have about 3 years worth of work in my portfolio, as well as this blog and my Youtube channel. I hope this will help future employers to see how passionate I am about what I want to do as I'm making it a part of my daily routine.

3. Secure a blogging/filming schedule and more importantly, stick to it!
A few months ago, I created a 12-month calendar print-out and have started planning what I want to create and share in the first 2 months of 2016. Every time I have an idea of either a blog post or a video, I'll jot it down and then brainstorm every Sunday evening about how I can give a life to this idea and where I can schedule it in for.

4. Decorate my room
I moved back home in June and all I have done to my room is arrange my furniture and buy a new bedside table from IKEA. I have been pinning away on Pinterest ideas and styles I like for my room and also what I want to get out of my room such as how I want to organise and store different things. I will definitely be doing a series on my blog and snippets on my channel this year to chronicle the process and give you some ideas if you are looking to update your bedroom or completely redecorate like me.

5. Work out more
I had to put a stereotypical resolution on there, didn't I? I used to work out quite frequently towards the end of 2014 before my 3rd year of uni started to get quite intense and I LOVED IT. Combined with better eating habits, I felt so much healthier and livelier. I want to get back to that state of happiness with both my body and my frame of mind.

6. Sell unwanted things at at least 2 boot sales
This goal is purely because I have way too much stuff for one person. It's the kind of stuff that I haven't used in years and it's just sitting in cardboard boxes, but also not the kind of stuff that needs to be thrown away.

7. Keep a daily mindfulness journal
As mentioned before, I've learnt from my stress and anxiety management course to really understand how I am feeling and use certain techniques to cope with it. I hope by keeping a daily journal of how I'm feeling I can unload some of the thoughts that are whirling around in my brain onto paper so they become easier to manage. Anyone else feel like they have about 250 tabs open in their brain?

8. Give more to charity
This is purely inspired by Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter. She has made several videos or mentioned that she and her daughter, Darcy are giving back to their community both to be or service and to teach Darcy the importance of giving and helping other people who need it the most. Whilst I don't have any children to share this with and my new nephew is too young to be involved in, I'd still like to do my bit to help out my local community it whatever way I can, whether thats through donating my time or products. I used to volunteer at a local rescue home for cats when I was about 12 years old and for about 5/6 years, I would help out every Saturday morning and it made me really happy because I was helping take care of and eventually find homes for cats and kittens, as well as getting to play with them too.

So there it is, my plan of action for 2016. I'm really excited about this new year and I think the overall vibe from my goals are to become a better version of myself by taking care of myself both mentally and physically to make me feel happier and more confident.

I hope you have a wonderful and safe New Year and will be a part of my journey whether you are a reader or a viewer! Tell me, what are your goals for 2016? I'd love to know.

Paris x

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